Making Money Online – The Simple Version

Everyone wants to know the “secret” to making money online. Please don’t waste your time and money searching for the best “Get Rich Quick” idea on the Internet. If it hasn’t hit you yet, you will soon realize that you have a limited amount of time left. It is your most valuable asset so be prudent and try not to waste it.

Making money online is not difficult but to have a constant stream of passive income (the best kind to have) you have to create a “real” business. You can sell all the junk in your house on EBay to make some money but when you run out of “junk”, your income is gone. That is a garage sale, not a business.

It may be cheaper, faster and easier to set up an online business than a “brick & mortar” offline business but all the basics are the same. I can save you hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars right now by giving you the “secret” for creating a money making business on the Internet. Please don’t spend any more time or money looking for this.

#1 Find a “hungry market”. This is a group of people passionate about a common interest.

#2 Make sure these people already freely spend money on whatever they are passionate about.

#3 Find or create a product that satisfies the “hunger” of this group.

#4 Let the group know you have the product that they want. (Internet Marketing)

#5 Sell them the product and keep their name and address so that you can sell them something else next week.

That’s It! And yet 95% of new online businesses fail. Many, many books and courses have been written on every aspect of the five points above. It is very easy to lose focus, get buried in information and spend a lot of time and money without making a dime (been there-done that).

I assume you are here because you are over 45 and you want to make the next thirty to forty years, the very best of your life. For that to happen, you need money. But that is not all you need. You need a particular mindset and step by step guidance until you have a constant stream of income and the confidence to know that you can repeat your success over and over again. I can only recommend that you join our membership site and read my book, “A Smart Person’s Guide to a Great Retirement” and follow the included video workshop for setting up your basic niche business. Then, once the money is coming in, you can build and “tweak” the business with as many new “secret” strategies as you want.  For step-by-step, easy to understand instructions for building an online business, Jim Daniels has created several excellent products.Click Here!

I didn’t mean for this post to be a sales pitch but just offer a bit of advice.

  • Decide what you really want for the rest of your life
  • Stay FOCUSED on ONE program at a time and follow it through to completion.
  • Don’t get overloaded with information, there will always be more interesting new books, tips & freebies. You can find them when you need them.
  • You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You need money now to set-up your fantastic second adult life so follow a proven method and save your precious time for what you really want to do.

Good Luck,

Get  help and practical advice as a member of (Please, tell all your ‘over 40’ friends about us.)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I should receive an affiliate commission for sites mentioned in this post.


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