The number one complaint of mature couples who start to have sexual relations after a period of celibacy, is painful or uncomfortable intercourse due to the dryness of the woman’s vagina. Be patient! This is a very solvable problem.
Atrophic Vaginitis (also known as vaginal atrophy or urogenital atrophy) is an inflammation of the vagina (and the outer urinary tract) due to the thinning and shrinking of the tissues, the secretion of mucus is gone which leaves a dry feeling. The most common cause of vaginal atrophy is the decrease in estrogen which happens naturally during perimenopause, and increasingly so in postmenopause.
Genital symptoms include dryness, itching, burning, soreness, pressure, thick yellow white discharge, malodorous discharge, infection, painful sexual intercourse, bleeding after intercourse. In addition, sores and cracks may occur.
Urinary symptoms include painful urination, blood in the urine, increased frequency of urination, incontinence, and increased likelihood and occurrence of infections.
Treatment – Topical estrogen creams or tablets may be used vaginally. Oral or transdermal estrogen may be used. Sexual activity is also helpful. A water-soluble vaginal lubricant may be useful. Within eight to ten weeks, that moisture content and the thickness of the tissue in the vagina should be restored. There are risks involved in using estrogen. YOU MUST CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR FOR THE TREATMENT THAT IS RIGHT FOR YOU!
Women who experience this needs a lot of understanding from their partners especially when it comes to sex. Bear in mind that this problem can be fixed. During the “revitalizing” weeks, non-penetrating sex can be exiting and medicinal. Patience will be rewarded.
(We are not offering medical advice just information for you to discuss with your doctor.)