“The only difference between a Rut and a Grave is the depth”

5 Fun & Easy Ways To Get Out Of The Rut. I don?t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up, and bored are all words you could use to describe what I?m like on those days and I?m probably not the best company. The thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human ? it?s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that?s okay.

But what happens when you get a whole string of those off-days, maybe lasting weeks, months or even years? Too many of us say that we?re…

My Time – My Space



A Baby Boomers’ DilemmađŸ˜• When is it my turn to enjoy MY life?? I hear this sentiment more and more from my peers who write to me about being bogged down with responsibilities and wanting to “Reclaim their life”.

Read more on My Time — My Space…