This area is so big I need your help to catalog the Major Headings. You have seen the HEALTH, WEALTH and RELATIONSHIP areas. I hope they have helped you reach the point where you have the time and energy to immerse yourself in your “passion”. Golf, cooking, travel, woodworking, painting, gardening, mentoring, sky diving, restoring antique cars, scrapbooking, gambling, astrology or ballroom dancing – any of these could be huge, full time websites. But I want to know what my readers want. I am trying to make this your “one-stop site”. You can save time and computer “clutter” with one click to this site.
So tell me what you do for fun and fulfillment. When do you feel so focussed and “in the zone” that you don’t notice the time passing? Let me know and I will invite others to share their knowledge and experiences with you.
Just add a comment to the this POST.