Free Recipes for the Holidays


My immediate family is pretty small (but we still make a lot of noise) :mrgreen:

I am so happy to be able to enjoy the company of my extended family during the Holidays.

We eat, we talk, we exchange presents, we eat, we play games and become secret Santas. Did I mention we eat?
I consider you a member of my family and in order to make sure you eat well during the Holidays, I’m giving away two holiday cook books. Please accept these gifts and use them when you have a chance. I would love to hear what becomes your favorite.

I wish you and your family, Joy and Prosperity, now and through the coming new year.
Best Wishes,
(click on the covers to download your recipes)


The Four Anti-Aging Tips You May have Missed

over 53


over 65


Clones and nanobots may not be here in time to stop the effects of aging that we are all starting to feel. The only real fountain of youth we have is the information about slowing the aging process. You ought to know by now that we are all different. Even though extreme regimens work for a few people, I like the idea of moderation in good health programs.

1) Assuming you are not abusing your body with drugs, excessive alcohol or smoking, it is time to actually think about what you are feeding yourself. Fruits and vegetables need to be a bigger part of that and sugar needs to be less. You don’t have to become a vegan or never eat a cookie again. Just be aware of what you eat and if you are overweight, start to replace those excessive calories with more whole vegetables and less sweets.

2) You knew exercise was next, didn’t you? You don’t have to join a gym or run a marathon but you must exercise enough to maintain a healthy heart and lungs. Find any pleasant physical activity that you can do several times a week. If you are out of shape, it may be uncomfortable for a while but that extra oxygen and blood circulation alone will start turning back the clock. Attitude plays a big part in the appearance of aging.

3) You feel old when you look old so make sure you think young. Wear sunscreen, moisturize your skin, make sure you are well groomed and don’t start wearing shabby clothes just because they are comfortable.  Be aware of what young people are watching at the movies, listening to on the radio or playing on their computers. Be open-minded and cheerful even when you don’t feel like it. Nobody like a whiner or an old grouch.

4) If you are the competitive type, you need to continue to play and compete, not for the thrill of victory but the shear joy of being able to play. Playing is winning now. Enjoy yourself. You are in your “Second Adult Life”, something the average person didn’t have 100 years ago. Attitude again, consider it a “second chance”.  Make the most of it by using this information in your daily life. You might make your senior years the best years of your life.
Here is your free, “Healthy Life” cookbook HERE.

There is more! Power Foods – Wrinkles – Sunscreen Facts – Gravity Effects Get your FREE copy of The Smart Person’s Guide to Anti-Aging right HERE



My True Self

extracted from email

Dear Rick,

I was a very smart young woman back in the late fifties but that wasn’t a time when women, even educated women competed with men for top jobs.  I married, raised three children and managed to work my way up the ranks in a corporate office until I retired in 1992.  When my husband passed away last year, he was praised by everyone and my children made very eloquent speeches attributing their intelligence and professional success to him.  Frankly, it was a slap in the face to me.  My husband was a good man and smart enough to know that my I.Q. was 20 points higher than his so he let me make all the important decisions while raising our kids.  For over 50 years I stayed in the background, managing the family finances, raising the children and quietly working in the Corporate world with no recognition.  I accept that it was my decision to live that way and that is not my problem.

After the funeral, I decided to release the “real me”.  I’m taking advanced classes at the local college, participating in lectures and plan to write a book.  When I told my oldest child I have been a MENSA member since the late 70’s, he made me show him my membership card!  He still thinks I’m telling stories and lies to everyone.  My daughter asked one of my neighbors to watch over me because I’d have a hard time managing my affairs now that my husband is gone.  I played my part so well for so long, even my adult children never knew the real me.  They think I have lost my mind.  Now I’m afraid if I ever have a single “senior moment”, they are going to throw me in a “home” somewhere.  What can I do?

Joyce M.

Proud father of the bride.

Eather of the brideI got a sneak peak at the wedding photos!  I want to thank you for all the good wishes.

Now that the relatives have gone home, all the borrowed items have been returned and everything has been cleaned and put away…it seems like just a dream.  This beautiful DIY wedding was created through the hard work and creativity of so many people.  I never realized how much effort goes into making a wedding event happen.  I will attend every new wedding with a much greater appreciation of the event as well as the ceremony.


(One down, one to go 😆 )

I’m Afraid

Dear Rick,
I’m 49 and want to go back to school. I dropped out of college to have my first son and never went back. My two boys are grown and out of the house now. We can live off my husband’s salary. My husband is ok with me going back to school but I’m afraid I’ll make a fool of myself. I’m not as sharp as I was at 19 and I’m already having “senior moments”. What can I do?

Marianne from South Bend, IN

Where Does Your Time Go?

As you walk out of the house for a trip to the store, you tell your spouse, “I’ll be back in an hour.”  Two or three hours later you return.

If you’re handyman like me, even little jobs seem to take much longer than they used to.Time Flies

If you hang around young people, you have probably been coaxed into playing some timed video game.  Whether you are go or bad, when the voice from the computer says, “TIME UP”,  your first thought has got to be, “No way!”

This concept that time has sped up somehow keeps coming up again and again with the people I meet.  One woman just told me that she thought it was due to all the recent earthquakes. Actually, I think I read somewhere that may be true. But I’m not talking about 1000th of a second. I’m talking about hours, days in a week.

I used to fall back on the explanation that as a five-year-old, a year is 20% of your life. As a 50-year-old, one year is only 2% of your life so it seems so much shorter.  Again, that may be true but I don’t think it’s our real problem.

All successful entrepreneurs realize that the most valuable asset in the world is time. If you’ve ever been a corporate executive, you’ve probably attended time management courses. You probably realize this is a misnomer as everyone has the same amount of time; it’s how you manage yourself and your activities that make the difference.Set Your Clocks Forward

So what is important enough to you in your second adult life to spend your most valuable asset? I’ll bet it’s not watching TV or playing video games by yourself. The time treasure chest is limited and you are the one who decides how the spend.

Do you have a mission in life?

Is there something you need to do to feel fulfilled?

Are you ready to enjoy your friends and family like you never have before?

Is your work important enough to completely deplete your treasure chest of time?

Maybe you think it’s best to dole out your time in equal portions to all the things that are important to you. I’m not knocking this idea but like money dribbled out to several charities, it doesn’t have the same effect as when it’s all given to one.

Sounds like “focus” may be a big factor here.  Please contribute your ideas and solutions in a comment below or send a message through the “Send me your questions link.”


Show Your Love

Dear Rick, How do I show “the love of my life”, my husband, how much he means to me?

Dear “Texas Gal”,
Hopefully the “love of your life” is not an idiot and can tell how important he is to you by all the things, big and small that you already do for him. But of course, even the best men are pigs or rather hogs and will gladly slop up any sweetness you throw their way.  So, if you have the time and energy to spare, here are some suggestions:

  • If a man loves his work, he loves that his sweetheart shows an interest in it.  If he hates his work, don’t even mention it.
  • Unless it is bad for his health, I’m sure your special food treats are appreciated.
  • Has he actually done anything to deserve being the “love of your life”?  If so, have you told him?
  • Do you brush against him when you pass by?  Do you sit close and snuggle at the movies or watching tv?
  • There are hundreds of cute little romantic things you can do if he likes that sort of thing.
  • Can you make him laugh?
  • And then there are those special bedroom tricks that get any man’s attention….

Thankfully, men and women can be very different.  But in midlife, most of us share similar desires,

  • to be appreciated
  • to be productive
  • to feel free to be ourselves
  • to feel fulfilled

I hear from many people who are ready to unburden themselves from responsibilities they have carried for years, whether it’s a deadbeat relative or just a household chore. Helping them to eliminate an unwanted burden is a fantastic display of love and

Happiness is in the everyday experience and not a final destination.  When someone like you expresses their love, it has to brighten the day.  Your husband is a very, very lucky man.


Here are two sources for more ideas and  there are plenty more in our member’s site.

101 Romantic Ideas
500 Lovemaking Tips & Secrets

Kindle – Yes or No?

Are you ready to read books on a Kindle?

Some think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread, others say nothing will ever replace turning paper pages. Where do you stand? Have you tried it yet?  Leave a comment if you have a Kindle.  Let me know if you love it or if you have found any shortcomings.

If you are curious but don’t want to commit, now is the perfect time to buy a Kindle for your spouse or special friend. Then you can read a book on their Kindle before you come back and order one for yourself. 😛      RICK

For More Information, click on the Kindle

This is my Amazon affiliate link. I may receive a commission if you purchase merchandise through this link. It does not affect the price you pay.


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